sobota, 4. januar 2014

Coping with loneliness

Loneliness it is a state of mind, which is rather contrary to what many people think; a measure of the number of persons you get to interact with. This feeling can overwhelm you even in bustling environments like in a restaurant or market, cheering ones like in a football stadium, in family gathering, business meeting or even in interesting situations like while having sex. Before we identify ways of coping with loneliness, it is important that we get to understand what causes it.

Causes of loneliness
Being a form of neediness, a feeling of needing companionship and support that you feel like you are not being given or you are not getting, it is mostly brought about by loss of companionship or a loved one you previously had through either of this ways: being left alone, death or moving away.
The other cause is always as a result of comparing your social life or network to that of others. Seeing others enjoying their connection with friends, lovers and family will bring make you desire what they have, leading to you becoming lonely. In case you are experiencing loneliness, here are some tips of coping with it.

Tips of coping with loneliness
Accepting - the first step is accepting that you are lonely. The next step involve finding out the cause; ask yourself if you tend to feel lonely when in others company or when you are alone and with no one to communicate with.

Focus on the present - you may find yourself desiring the past. You need to stop and bring back your attention to the present. Your past may include: your college life or high school days. Instead try focusing on the great opportunities that lay a head of you.
Smile - no one ever wants to be around someone who appears miserable. It is therefore important that you wear a smile all the time and be friendly with every person you meet, even if it is a fact that you are not 100% cheerful.

Call an old friend or visit your relatives - it may be that your friends are caught up with certain concerning issues in their lives, but not ignoring you. Talking to or having the people who you grew up with always carry a positive and satisfying effect to help you cope with your loneliness.

Visit internet forums or chat rooms - this offers you an opportunity to create new friends and talk to people in a more comfortable setting.

Be you and proud of yourself - do not try emulating or wish that you would be those celebrities you adore, or be the rich guys you see that own many houses and cars. You are not anyone but you, which is a good. Be proud and happy that you are who you are.

Do what you are good at - this might include sewing, painting or growing prize-winning bougainvillea. Using your strength appropriately will enable you gain confidence in yourself and probably new friends.

Other methods of coping with loneliness include - using your time alone, watching a movie, helping someone, hobbies like reading and dancing among others, learning, engaging in physical activities and join groups of activities among others.

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